

Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Formation of the State of Israel



Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Rada POLICHCHUK


Cover photo:


Offerings for the constructions of the Tabernacle. Torah illustration.


DIALOGUE – SELECTED WORKS: Literary Almanac. Russia – Israel, 2016/2017 – 5776/5777.     


The latest issue of the Russian-Israel almanac “DIALOGUE” is called DIALOGUE – SELECTED WORKS. This anniversary issue is dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of our publishing project.

The issue opens with a brief introduction by the Editor-in-Chief; greetings from our sponsors, whose support was very important to us; our beloved authors, whose works of varying genres we have consistently published for many years and reflected throughout the almanac’s issues; our translators, who have helped Russian readers discover wonderful and widely acclaimed Hebrew-speaking writers from Israel and other countries; our artists, whose graphics decorate the almanac’s volumes; and new authors who have joined us today.

Traditionally, the first part of the almanac “Dialogue”, titled “Invitation to Dialogue”, contains correspondence dialogues between the acclaimed Russian writer Lev Anninskiy with famous Israeli writers Amos Oz, Aaron Appelfeld, A.B. Yehoshua, Meir Shalev, Eli Amir, Motti Lerner (translated from Hebrew by Viktor Radutskiy) and Dan Tsalka (translated from Hebrew by Zoya Kopelman).

Sections of the almanac titled “Prose”, “Poetry”, “Articles, Essays, and Literary Sketches”, “Kadish for the Shtetl”, and “Theater” present new works, both Russian-language and translated, by the following authors from Russia, USA, Germany, and Israel: Svetlana Shenbrunn, Zoya Kopelman, Hamutal Bar-Yosef, Svetlana Shteingrud-Aksenova, Elena Tverdislova, Ilya Voytovetskiy, Viktoria Orti (Israel), Slava Polischuk, Grigoriy Margovskiy, Vladimir Druk (USA), Yan Brushtein, Maksim Glikin, Galina Klimova, Vardavan Varzhepetian, Aleksandr Kirnos, Olga Postnikova, Rada Polishchuk (Russia), Rakhil Doktor (Germany), and others.

The rubric titled “Selected Works” contains, within each section of the almanac, the best publications of different genres for the last twenty years. These publications can also be found in rubrics titled “World Literature About the Holocaust” (compilation and foreword by Zoya Kopelman), “Zionism in the Context of History”, “Voices of Zionism” by Mikhail Gorelik (Russia), and fragments of a play “He Walked through Fields” by Moshe Shamir (Israel), translation and foreword by Lena Sokolova (Popova), Russia. This work is dedicated to all who perished for Israel’s independence.

The rubric titled ”Literary chronicles of the XX-th century” contains the following works: “On Gorky” by Iosif Utkin, publication and commentary by David Fiks (Russia), “Poetry lies at the heart of Israeli literature” by Yehuda Amichai, published and translated from Hebrew by Viktor Radutskiy, “A saving dialogue” by Nelli Zaks (Sweden) and Paul Celan (France), and works by Efraim Baukh (Israel). Valentin Oskotskiy, Semion Lipkin, Genrikh Sapgir, Aleksandr Gorodnitskiy, Yuriy Davydov, Tsvi Preygerson, and Lev Razgon (Russia).

Sections titled, “Prose” and “Kadish for the Shtetl” contain eight pieces of prose by Grigoriy Kanovich (Israel), a regular “DIALOGUE” author. In the rubric, “Pages from family history”, Elena Akselrod’s work, “I do not hurry time”, discusses her father, the artist Meir Akselrod, her mother, the writer R. Rubin, and her uncle, the poet Zelik Akselrod.

The section titled “Theater” contains two plays by Israeli playwrights translated for the first time from Hebrew by Viktor Radutskiy: “Ghetto” by Yehoshua Sobol and “Wien by the Sea” by Edna Mazya.  The regularly featured section “DIALOGUE’s theatrical premiere” contains the play by Mark Rozovsky, “Dad, Mom, Me, and Stalin”, a documentary drama in two parts. Mark Rozovsky’s play, “The Magician From Lyublino”, based on the eponymous novel by Isaac Bashevis Singer (USA), appears in the rubric titled, “Selected Works”. This rubric also contains the play “Summer in the Life of Avia” by Gila Almagor (Israel), translation from Hebrew and foreword by Aleksandra Kriukova (Russia), and “Sketches” by Hanoch Levin, translated for the first time from Hebrew by Lena Sokolova (Popova), who also wrote the foreword. The issue concludes with the presentation of Vladimir Druk’s new book, “Alef-Bet. Forms. Numbers. Nominations”.

As before, the almanac “Dialogue” offers the reader a colorful palette of literary works of Jewish culture without limitation as to time, geography, topic, and genre. In the latest issue of “Dialogue”, approximately one hundred and forty authors and translators from different countries engage in a dialogue amongst themselves and with the reader, contemplating the fate of the Jewish people, its past, present and future, Jewish literature and art, and their unbreakable bond with world culture. 




4 февраля главный редактор Альманаха Рада Полищук отметила свой ЮБИЛЕЙ! От всей души поздравляем!

Приглашаем на новую встречу МКСР. У нас в гостях писатели Николай ПРОПИРНЫЙ, Михаил ЯХИЛЕВИЧ, Галина ВОЛКОВА, Анна ВНУКОВА. Приятного чтения!

Новая Десятая встреча в Международном Клубе Современного Рассказа (МКСР). У нас в гостях писатели Елена МАКАРОВА (Израиль) и Александр КИРНОС (Россия).

Редакция альманаха "ДИАЛОГ" поздравляет всех с осенними праздниками! Желаем всем здоровья, успехов и достатка в наступившем 5779 году.

Новая встреча в Международном Клубе Современного Рассказа (МКСР). У нас в гостях писатели Алекс РАПОПОРТ (Россия), Борис УШЕРЕНКО (Германия), Александр КИРНОС (Россия), Борис СУСЛОВИЧ (Израиль).

Дорогие читатели и авторы! Спешим поделиться прекрасной новостью к новому году - новый выпуск альманаха "ДИАЛОГ-ИЗБРАННОЕ" уже на сайте!! Большая работа сделана командой ДИАЛОГА. Всем огромное спасибо за Ваш труд!



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